New governor in charge at the Palestinian Monetary Authority (PMA)
With Dr. Jihad Al Wazir, one of the most prominent promotors of financial inclusion of the Arab region and the world, has finished his term as Governor of the Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA). Governor Wazir has navigated the Palestinian financial sector through rough and challenging times, and has thereby always put the needs of all Palestinians in the foreground of his work.
Under his leadership, the PMA became a frontrunner in financial inclusion in the MENA region. Some milestones to be highlighted are, for example, the submission of the microfinance sector under the PMA supervision, the Maya Declaration, which puts consumer protection and financial literacy at the center of attention, the development of a sophisticated credit bureau, a deposit insurance scheme and many many more remarkable achievements.
The GIZ MFMR Programme expresses its gratitude from the whole team for his dedication and excellence, and looks forward to continuing the deep and trustful cooperation and partnership with his successor Mr. Azzam Abdul Karim Shawwa.