The MFMR Programme’s partners in Jordan have been awarded for their excellence in contributing to Jordan’s public sector services.
On the occasion of the 2015 King Abdullah II Awards for Excellence in public and private sectors, his Majesty King Abdullah has announced several institutions as the winners of this award. Among others:
The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in the category of small and medium ministries.
The Central Bank of Jordan in the category of financial sector, investment and economy.
The Development and Employment Fund in the category of local economic and social development and poverty alleviation.
The ceremony awarded Ms. Maha Bahou, CBJ Executive Manager for Payments and Banking Operations and one of the MFMR Programme’s key players, among the 215 candidates that ran for the Distinguished Government Employee Award.
The GIZ MFMR Programme congratulates its highly esteemed development partners for having received these Awards for their outstanding achievements and looks forward to continuing the trustful partnership.
The ceremony took place on March 23, 2016 under the patronage of HM King Abdullah II and the presence of HE the Prime Minister and other senior officials. The Excellence Awards are organised by the King Abdullah II Centre for Excellence and aim at promoting a culture of excellence and transparency in public and private entities in order to increase Jordan’s competitiveness.
By Sahar Al-Yousef & Atilla Yuecel